[question] <tr> <td class="label">Question:</td> <td><div>{question}</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Answer:<span class="impot">*</span></td> <td><div><input type="text" name="question_answer" id="question_answer" class="f_input" /></div></td> </tr> [/question]
[question] <tr> <td class="label">Question:</td> <td><div>{question}</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Answer:<span class="impot">*</span></td> <td><div><input type="text" name="question_answer" class="f_input" /></div></td> </tr> [/question]
<label for="login_name">Name:</label><input type="text" name="login_name" id="login_name" />
<label for="login_name">{login-method}</label><input type="text" name="login_name" id="login_name" />
Note: the theme design maybe vary, so don't worry if you can't find the code above, this upgrade instruction is base on the "Default" theme that comes with script, so if you are not using Default theme then please note this option is for "Login" method, the tag is only to let your site members know that which method your website is setting to login by using "Username" or "E-mail", so the exactly purpose of tag {login-method} is to switch between method text, so if you have special design on your theme, you just need to put the text to tell your members which method you use for login in your website, so that you don't have to put the tag {login-method} in your theme, for example www.dlestarter.com is using email login method and we use icon for login input, so we just use email icon and text to tell our members that we use email login, not username...so that's good example.
<li class="lbtn"><button class="fbutton" onclick="submit();" type="submit" title="Login"><span>Login</span></button></li>
<li class="lfield lfchek"><input type="checkbox" name="login_not_save" id="login_not_save" value="1"/><label for="login_not_save"> Do not remember me</label></li>
{news_num} [ {news} ]
[rss]<img src="{THEME}/images/rss.png" alt="rss" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 5px;" />[/rss]
[question] <tr> <td class="label">Question:</td> <td><div>{question}</div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">Answer:<span class="impot">*</span></td> <td><div><input type="text" name="question_answer" class="f_input" /></div></td> </tr> [/question]
<img src="{image-1}" alt="" width="xxx" height="xxx" /> <img src="{image-2}" alt="" width="xxx" height="xxx" /> <img src="{image-3}" alt="" width="xxx" height="xxx" />
<li><a href="{link}">{title}</a></li>