Custom Profile Fields

24-07-2014, 12:00. Author: dlestarter
Home » DLE Administrations » Custom Profile Fields
Xfields for user profiles is the custom field manager for User Profile of your website, the Xfields for user profiles you have created will be automatically added to your form when user register or edit profile to your website on both frontpage and from Admin CP using tag {xfields} in registration.tpl and userinfo.tpl, but will not automatically display in your website when display user profile and comments, you must specify the the fields to display in the following files on your theme folder.
Custom Profile Fields : Manage custom profile fields

The Custom fields will be automatically added to your form when user register to your website in frontpage, Edit User Profile and from admin cp add user and edit user profile using tag {xfields} located in registration.tpl under section [validation].....[/validation]

Lets take a look on Custom Fields and how to work with it

If you have created some of custom fields you will see the list of them there, from here you can edit or remove them at any time you want, to add Custom Field, simply click on "Add New" button, in add field page you will have option to add custom fields as in screenshot
Xfields for user profiles
When you add news/articles you will see the XFields displaying like this:
Custom Profile Fields

Sort XFields

Sort XFields is very easy in newer version of Datalife Engine starting with 10.0 to newest released versions will allow you to drag and drop like in screenshot above, then click "Save the Sort Order" button in the bottom, but on the older versions you have to select to move up and down one by one which sometimes it becomes difficult when you have lot of XFields.
Sort XFields in Datalife Engine

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